:​Air Collection and Compression
Air is drawn from the surrounding environment and compressed using powerful compressors
This stage requires advanced equipment to increase air pressure to the required level

:​Impurity Removal
The compressed air passes through filtration systems and absorption towers to remove dust, water vapor, and carbon dioxide
This step is critical to prevent system blockages at extremely low temperatures

The purified air is transferred to heat exchangers, where its temperature is reduced
This pre-cooling stage helps reduce energy consumption in the next phase

:​Deep Cooling
Using turbo-expanders or other refrigeration systems, the air is cooled to extremely low temperatures, close to the freezing point of oxygen
This technology causes the components of the air to liquefy

:​Gas Separation in a Distillation Column
The liquefied air enters a distillation column, where nitrogen and oxygen are separated based on their boiling points.
Oxygen, with its higher boiling point, remains at the lower part of the column, while nitrogen rises to the top.